Black Jack's Metal Detectors
Mining Equipment, Low Pressure Dive, & Rock Shop!
Your place for Metal Detecting & Mining Equipment
101 Park Ave N,
Renton, WA. 98057
Store # 425-430-0290
Direct # 253-961-3095
Summer HOURS!
Tuesday ............. 10am-5pm
Wednesday ....... 10am-5pm
Thursday ........... 10am-5pm
Friday ................ 10am-5pm
Saturday ............ 10am-4pm
Closed:, Sunday & Monday

Gold treasure found off Florida Coast!
Published on Jul 28, 2015
A family found $1 million dollars in gold and other artifacts off the Florida coast from a fleet of ships that sank 300 years ago.
Finding Treasure Using
Keene Hydro Air System
Vibra-Tech 740
~Waterproof to 100ft.
It's not just gold prospecting in a river that can pay off. Sometimes it's detecting in a lake that can lead to amazing finds.
~For more information on these
product Call 253-961-3095

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For Washington State
Detecting Rules CLICK HERE
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